Saturday, October 31, 2020

What Are the Different Types of Wayfinding Signage?

Custom wayfinding signs help provide an easy and professionally branded experience for your customers, both inside and outside your facility.  This type of signage not only represents your business using an aesthetic that can match your space, but it also improves your customer experience by ensuring every visitor feels welcome.

From the minute people arrive at your Mississauga location, directional signs for business ensure that each area is properly identified making it clear where to go, right from the start. Directional signage should be noticeable, intuitive, and include helpful information that supports navigation.

Custom Wayfinding Signs That Should Be Part of Your Business

Designing a good wayfinding system is critical for business success. Ignoring the importance of quality wayfinding signage can not only result in confusion but can also create unsafe environments. There are many different types of directional signs for business you may need, including ADA wayfinding signs to support visitors with disabilities.

In an effort to help you learn more about options for your business, the list below includes some of the most common types of custom wayfinding signs.

Entrance Signs

Entrance signs guide visitors into your facility. While a simple sign can work, a branded sign with some added information goes a long way in helping to create the right first impression.

Bathroom Signs

ADA wayfinding signs should be included when it comes to bathroom signs, making it safe and easy for all visitors to find the washroom facilities.

Directory Signs

Depending on your size and location, you may need a directory sign to help people find their way. Using directional signs for business inside your space can serve as a reference point for visitors. In addition to displaying the location of different offices, you can also include names or room number for employees, or where to find different services in the building.

Parking Signs

Knowing where to park is important, especially if you share a parking area with another Mississauga business. Exterior wayfinding signs for parking can also be used to identify specific areas of access or to designate specific spots.

Room Identifiers

Identifying each room is an AODA requirement. Not only is this helpful for visitors and employees when navigating the building, but it’s a great opportunity to add a professional touch to your décor by customizing the signs to match your brand and your interior style.

Safety Signs

Safety signs work to make sure your business is compliant with fire and safety guidelines. In addition to more common safety signs such as for stairways and exits, you may also need wayfinding signs to identify other hazards specific to your location.

Set Your Mississauga Business Up for Success with the Right Directional Signs

Signage with incorrect information will almost certainly change the way your customers feel about you and lead to confusion. Make sure your Mississauga business has professional custom wayfinding signs installed in the right locations so that your business is set up for success. SSK Signs can help you build a wayfinding signage strategy that is AODA compliant and works to build your brand image. If you need to upgrade the directional signs inside your facility, contact us to learn more about what we can do for you.


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